BLOG > Split Systems vs Packaged Systems: Choosing the Right Solutions for Your Business

Split Systems vs Packaged Systems: Choosing the Right Solutions for Your Business

Split Systems vs Packaged Systems: Choosing the Right Solutions for Your Business

Every commercial premise must be equipped with a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) unit to maintain a comfortable temperature and deliver a constant supply of fresh air.

There are several types of commercial HVAC systems to choose from. However, most building managers install either a split HVAC system or a packaged HVAC system.

Though they perform the same functions, each offers particular benefits that might appeal to your needs. That said, the characteristics of your building can also influence which option you decide to install.

To help you make the right choice, let’s explore what these commercial HVAC systems are, the pros and cons of each, and when they might be suitable.

What is a split HVAC system?

‘Split’ refers to any HVAC system in which the primary components are housed in separate units. This typically means the main unit is located indoors while the complementary unit is kept outside. The two units are connected via copper tubes that carry refrigerant for cooling.

Types of split HVAC systems include:

  • Single split: Features one indoor unit and one outdoor unit. Single-split HVAC systems are compatible with most spaces. Their low cost makes them ideal for replacing older systems or retrofitting into an existing building without altering the structure.
  • VRF/VRV:: Features one outdoor unit and multiple indoor units. Multi-split HVAC systems are the least common type of commercial system. But they can be the right choice for particularly spacious buildings, such as those with high ceilings or large open rooms.

Pros of split HVAC systems

+ High energy efficiency, which helps you reduce energy bills

+ This high efficiency can also add resale value

+ More flexible placement and potential for customization

+ Maintenance costs are generally lower

Cons of split HVAC systems

– More expensive to install compared to packaged systems

– If not installed correctly, their efficiency can be compromised

– High number of moving parts means there’s a greater likelihood of leaks

– Takes up indoor space

What is a packaged HVAC system?

Also called a rooftop unit (RTU), a packaged system is a complete HVAC unit that contains all the heating and cooling components in a single place. It’s installed on the roof of your building, meaning it doesn’t take up any indoor space.

Modern RTUs also feature an economizer system. This allows the unit to scale its energy consumption based on the outside temperature. So you can always maintain a comfortable temperature without excess energy expenditure.

Types of packaged HVAC systems include:

  • Gas-electric: Contains an air conditioner with an evaporator coil and gas furnace. Provides the greatest amount of heating and cooling power.
  • Heat pump: Works by reversing the refrigeration process of a regular system. Evaporation and condensation heat the coil to create warm air that’s distributed by the air handler.
  • Dual fuel: Features both a heat pump and a gas furnace/Heat strip, making it ideal for premises that are frequently exposed to extreme cold. The heat pump handles most heating but is supplemented by the gas/Heat strip when temperatures get particularly low.

Pros of packaged HVAC systems

+ Easier installation and maintenance on a spacious rooftop

+ High efficiency in a commercial setting

+ Lower footprint that doesn’t take up indoor space

+ Less debris buildup than in-ground installations

+ Eliminates noise disturbance since the unit is outside

+ Remote location minimizes safety hazards and chances of theft

+ Built to be much sturdier than other types of HVAC units

+ Modular design makes future additions or upgrades easier

Cons of packaged HVAC systems

– More susceptible to weather damage since the unit is outside

– Greater risk of rust can shorten lifespan if not properly maintained

– Can only be installed on premises with plenty of roof space

Which system is right for your building?

Whether you install a split or packaged HVAC system depends on your available space, the age of your building, and how many people occupy it at any given time.

If you have plenty of rooftop space, a packaged HVAC system can be better. They’re more efficient in commercial settings, and it’s easier for an HVAC specialist to perform maintenance and upgrades. But since they’re exposed to the elements, you need to follow a strict maintenance schedule to avoid failure.

On the other hand, a split HVAC system can be necessary if your rooftop space is limited. These systems still offer high energy efficiency, as well as flexibility and options for customization. That said, they’re more complex and have a lot of moving parts, so require professional installation and care.

Discover your perfect HVAC system with DMC Service

Still not sure which type of commercial HVAC system is right for you? Reach out to DMC Service for expert advice and guidance.

We’ve spent more than 20 years supporting midsize businesses in the Kansas City metro area with commercial HVAC installation, servicing, maintenance, and repair. As well as keeping your system in great shape, we can also advise you on design, configuration, and upkeep schedules between professional checks. That way you can heat, cool, and ventilate your building with confidence.

Contact our friendly HVAC team today for expert advice and guidance on finding the right HVAC system for your commercial premises.